Manfred workshopEtosha Consult International is among the pioneer consultancies to support integrated regional, country and continental-wide Sustainable Development with focus on Northern Namibia (1989-1998 and 2010-present), African Union countries and based in Niamey, Niger (2014-2017), Bavaria, Germany (1998-2000) and the Republic of Macedonia (2001-2009). Between 2006 and 2008, Manfred W. Buch was assigned being the Team Leader to prepare the National Strategy for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Macedonia. Until today, he is the well respected mastermind of ‘Sustainable Development Macedonia’.

Sustainable Development VisualizationIn fact, it is our daily life experience that human beings want to find material prosperity, but at the same time they enjoy a social life in harmony with the environment. The belief that social, economic and environmental goals should be complementary and interdependent throughout the development process is the heart of the concept of Sustainable Development. The vision of balanced and accountable development in economic, social and environmental fields is exactly the substance covered by the idea of sustainability of the development, as fully described by the Agenda 21 document of the United Nations Conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992. Etosha Consult International translates exactly this approach towards Sustainable Development into coherent and targeted services.

It might be that it is due to the Geography background of various Etosha Consult affiliates and Manfred W. Buch himself to understand more easily that “the whole is more than the total of its individual pieces” (Aristotle) – a mosaic from Herakleia Lynkestis in today’s southern Republic of Macedonia might help to understand, what is meant by ‘the whole’. And, what matters most, Etosha Consult makes citizens participate in decision making rather than to overwhelm them with external expertise and advises. This approach is not the expression of altruism, but rather the result of more than 25 years of practical sustainable development experience in various regions with different cultures around the world.

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Even in the wide field of integrated regional and country-wide Sustainable Development Etosha Consult International is able to comprehensively offer its services for all relevant sectors and key challenges:

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Rural Development

  • Education and Employment

  • Energy and Renewable Energies

  • Environment and Natural Resources

  • Infrastructure & Transport

  • Policy & Legal Issues

  • SMEs & Industry

  • Social Issues and Health

  • Spatial Planning and GIS

  • Tourism

  • Youth

  • Good Governance and Better Policy-Making

  • Diversification of Income in Rural Regions and Sustainable Development Challenges

  • Economic Prosperity and Job Creation

  • Sustainable Human Settlements

  • Cross-Cutting Policies contributing to the Knowledge Society

  • Climate Change and Clean Energy

  • Sustainable Transport

  • Sustainable Consumption and Production

  • Conservation and Management of Natural Resources

  • Public Health

  • Social Inclusion, Demography and Migration